Flutter Butterfly Sanctuary Wiki
◀︎ Huebner's Metalmark§Headericon
Huebner's Metalmark
Apollo Metalmark§Headericon
Tentyris Forester§Headericon
Tentyris Forester
#119 Apollo Metalmark
(Currently not available through the incubator)

Icon§Butterflies Icon§HD Icon§Flutterpedia Icon§HD Icon§Caterpillar Icon§HD Icon§Chrysalis Icon§HD Icon§Egg

Apollo Metalmark§Facebook

Scientific Name: Lyropteryx apollonia (Event)
Set: Metalmark Set§Icon Metalmark
Rarity: RarityIcon§Epic Epic
Size: SizeIcon§Small Small

Incubation Time: 8 hours
Caterpillar Time: 2 hours
Egg Lay Cost Icon§Lay Egg: Icon§Flutterbuck 175
Special Visitor Price: Icon§Flutterbuck 350

Special Ability: All nearby butterflies become ready instantly.
Cooldown: 24 hours

Description: This metalmark isn't just playing in the mud, its making it. Squirting fresh water onto dry dirt helps the Apollo to drink more minerals.

Level Data
Level Pollen to next level Honeydew Production Sale Price
Level0Icon 140 Icon§PollenSmall Icon§HD 252 every 2 hours Icon§HD 4,500
Level1Icon 280 Icon§PollenBig Icon§HD 504 every 4 hours Icon§HD 4,500
Level2Icon 420 Icon§TwoPollen Icon§HD 756 every 6 hours Icon§HD 18,000
Level3Icon 560 Icon§ThreePollen Icon§HD 1,008 every 8 hours Icon§HD 40,500
Level4Icon 700 Icon§FourPollen Icon§HD 1,260 every 10 hours Icon§HD 72,000
Level5Icon total: 2,100 Icon§FourPollen Icon§HD 1,512 every 12 hours Icon§HD 112,500
